I am one of the best husbands in the world. With the caveat that I carefully chose a very good wife. And similar enough backgrounds and devotion to each other helps.
I am not and never was a shining example of a " mature" JW whatever that means
the watchtower—study edition | december 2023. study article 52. young sisters—become mature christian women.
18 you may choose to get married.
the qualities and skills that we have discussed will help you to become a capable wife.
I am one of the best husbands in the world. With the caveat that I carefully chose a very good wife. And similar enough backgrounds and devotion to each other helps.
I am not and never was a shining example of a " mature" JW whatever that means
no more watchtower and awake mags every 2 weeks to place.
no private home book studies.
no more "essential" spiritual food meals 5x a week.
Word spread fast. The response has been to keep keeping on. They still give money to jeh
2023-10-13-announcements (reporting field service).
page 1. https://imgbox.com/96lgsfw4 .
page 2. https://imgbox.com/zynoa02m .
I am sure brother slow will read it. I love the reference to scriptural basis, a first.
remember the spotlight movie?.
as a kid mum told me usa was warned about the coming pearl harbor attack.. 9/11 and covid-19, history repeating.
The sad part is the Israelis have started embracing gun control so the kibbutz had none.
russell is kind of acknowledged as the founder, but rutherford is the one who really made the wt what it is, or at least laid the foundations for what it came to be, today.
how much would someone from that era recognise in the wt today?
what are the big changes that they would see?.
Neckties, beards, dresses.
i was born in 1977 & came in as a convert in 2003 --- so i have no idea what went on before my time.. however i have been familiar with the scriptures of "nobody knows the day or hour" & " it will come as a theif in the night" meaning that it was sure but unpredictable time.
how could anyone belive that anyone else ( organization or not) put a date on it?.
also what was the significance of 1975 anyway?
1975 was supposedly the end of 6000 years of mankind's existence. A seldom mentioned belief is that each creative day is 7000 years. Hence the 1000 year reign would be at the end of the 7th day of rest.
The gentile times ended in 1914 if you use select scriptures, gregoruan calendar mixed with bible calendar. That generation was supposed to see the end. Adults, then children old enough to reason, then anyone born 1914--chsnged as the people got older. Oct4/5 plays in as "Gods" year start date, 6pm somewhere
Confused yet?
Every one of us has hoped we would not get old and see a glorious kingdom. The troubles in the world are not now the worst ever seen. Think!, would you prefer to live in ww2, ww1, be a Armenian versus turk, black plague, gengus khan, shit happens
with the change to reporting field service and now allowing people to repent during the gt, presumably up until armageddon, i'm assuming that the "hailstones" message is now permanently on hold.
can someone explain this to me; am i understanding this right?.
The hailstones message will be implemented with weasel words of some sort giving an out.
I remember a calendar from 60+ years ago with bombers saturating bombing, burning cities and a family going door to door in suburbs. No way to remember if it was a back call or a " told you so".
Remember to have your razor and necktie in your go bag, abd some calling cards.
1. doctrinal changes how new light comes about.
the gb raise questions then talk about it, unless it’s unanimous they wait, then years later talk again if it’s unanimous it then gets announced as new light.. 2. the gb are imperfect and sometimes make mistakes.
they are not to apologise or even admit they were wrong.
Several observations
They already are saying " about" 1914
The joking is insider knowledge of how gullible people are
No way will they soften their DF stance
so everyone knows the “big news” of this past weekend, no more reporting of hours, placements, return visits, etc.
beginning november 1, jws just tick a box indicating whether they “shared in any form of the ministry during the month”.. so there was a brief comment by a redditor that seems like a brief joke “throwaway comment” but after thinking about it….why not?.
the idea is, what is “any form of the ministry”?
I count time on here. An acquaintance told me shaving makes you " look" like a JW. so does a car salesman outfit. More time. Is trimming my beard time?
The ministry I actually like and practice is good works helping others, both in and out
could a member please direct me to the current jw funeral talk or outline for a deceased jw.
members of my wife's family will be attending such meeting for their deceased piece of shit father and i would like them to be prepared for what they can expect.
nothing good, or what they would be hoping for i would surmise.. for the love of cheeses..
5 to 10 minutes is a stretch. Read the obituary from the memorial leaflet, mispronounce a couple names, tell about Adam, Jesus sacrifice, the opportunity to study and get baptized so you can preach too. Then a prayer and recorded song (usually he will remember the work if his own hand). Then a reception (forbidden at the hall)somewhere else which is one of the few social events allowed.